The Feminist Art History Conference, sponsored by the art history department at American University, brings together scholars who engage in the diverse approaches of feminist art history. The fifth annual conference, which will be held at American University from October 31st to November 2nd, 2014, celebrates the legacy of emerita American University feminist art historians Norma Broude and Mary D. Garrard.
Jamie Richardson (PhD candidate) will present her work in the afternoon on November 1st. Her talk, “The Transforming Femininity of Emblematic Curiosity,” derives from her dissertation research. Below is an allegorical representation of Curiosity from an early modern emblem book housed in Bryn Mawr College’s Special Collections, which Jamie discusses in her paper.
- Cesare Ripa and Giovanni Zaratino Castellini, “Curiositá.” From Iconologia Di Cesare Ripa: Divisa in Tre Libri, Ne I Quali Si Quali Si Esprimono Varie Imagini Di Virtù, Vitij, Affetti, Passioni Humane, Arti, Discipline, Humori, Elementi, Corpi Celesti, Prouincie D’Italia, Fiumi, & Altre Materie Infinite Vtili Ad Ogni Stato Di Persone. (Venice: C. Tomasini, 1645).
Also on Saturday afternoon, two History of Art alumnae will present papers in the session “Twentieth Century Feminist Icons: New Perspectives.” Mey‐Yen Moriuchi (MA ’08, PhD ’12) will present a paper entitled “Casta, Costumbrismo, Kahlo.” Rebecca Dubay (MA ’07, PhD ’11) will deliver “A Body That Falls: Mendieta’s Act of Remembrance.”