Amy Wojciechowski has been working with the Philadelphia Museum of Art Spotlight Educators program since August 2014. This is her second position with the Philadelphia Museum of Art, having previously held a curatorial internship from September 2012 to November 2013 to work on the 2013-2014 exhibition Léger: Modern Art and the Metropolis. The Spotlight Educators program is open to all visitors to the Museum, and focuses on having a conversation around a single work in the permanent collection selected by the Spotlight Educator. Amy has previously led discussions on Henri Rousseau’s 1906 The Merry Jesters, Viggo Johansen’s 1887 My Friends, and Vincent van Gogh’s 1889 work Rain. She will be leading a March talk on Édouard Manet’s 1873 Le Bon Bock. At Bryn Mawr, she is busy studying for her PhD preliminary exams and preparing to go abroad to pursue archival research for her work on Polish modernism.